The mind of MaxX thru his madness

I’ve come to this place under constant urging of my wife to try and get some of the stuff that I have rolling around in my head out, there so that the general public (Internet groupies) can critique what I have to say.  Well I want to say this first, after sixteen years I love my wife more now than the day we met and treasure her beyond all that I can ever fathom having in a lifetime that has passed all meaning, with that being said I will have alot of things that I just pour out here on the page as just things that I feel like talking about (unlike the wonderful constructed page of Madness) some of it may make you thoughtful, most of it you’ll probably just disagree with.  Which brings us to my final point and thought I guess,  I really don’t care what anyone thinks at this point, when I have an urge to write and say something it’s going to come from all angles and I don’t really concern myself w/ who might not take what I have to say in the correct way for their taste.  I’ve stated before that I’ve not come to this place expecting to shed the light of divinity upon you the masses, but I do feel that ever so often thru the drivel that pours fourth you may be able to take away from it something that may prove to be life enriching……………BTW for anyone who doesn’t know the mind of MaxX, I babble, and must digress alot……………I’ll see what I can do later, not for you viewing/reading pleasure, but merely to see if I can make myself feel any better about the words I put to page………….Thank you public……………………MaxX

1 comment so far

  1. Madness on

    Madness loves MaxX

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