Archive for May 26th, 2008|Daily archive page

Ode to Anne Rice, you should have met my wife; thank you Madness.

Though foggy and slightly distorted is his perception, he sees perfection and heaven; he sees himself in her arms.  He sees their bodies clash together w/ force that would do damage to other individuals, but between the two of them it only furthers their arousal.  Their lips touch as sparks explode between them, their tongues touch tentatively at first; and then began to wrestle in a battle to the death.  Her moans entice him to reach up and grab a hold of the flowing tresses of her hair and draw her head back so that the tender under side of her neck is exposed.  His mind is set, and the path set before him as he bears a set of enlarged incisors and buries his face in the base of her neck.  Her panting and exhaltations speak volumes as she squirms beneath him, but makes no attempt to get away; but succumbing to his advances and thrusting at every significant time and opportunity that she’s granted.  His penetration is both blissful oblivion and end upon end agony as she looses control and her body is no-longer under her own bidding; for a time their bodies move as one mirrored images of each other.  Somewhere around her fifth she loses consciousness; he withdraws and vanishes. 

Twelve hours pass before her mind slowly claws itself back from slumber, and it dwells on the miraculous feelings that she had experienced……exactly when slips her mind as it slowly shakes off the rest of sleep.  The throbbing that she is experiencing pulling her fully alert now, is not in her female parts, in fact she feels no lasting effects of copulation at all; the throbbing is coming from her neck and she has not had sex.  She moves her hand to the spot and nearly losses control of her morning bladder release, as she feels two puncture wounds; she jerks her hand away from the pain she experienced at it’s contact.  She sit’s jerks her head off the pillow meaning to run to a mirror, and nearly crashes to into her foot board as a wave of vertigo, and nausea overtake her; she blacks out.  It is another six hours before her mind is able to return to consciousness this time, and she is now terrified, trembling and shakily she makes it to her feet and to is able to maintain her feet without the mind whirl that she had experienced last time; but the wave of nausea smacks her fully as she breaks for the bathroom in her apartment and prays to her porcelain deity for a full five minutes. 

The contents, and the sight of what she brings forth is unexplainable as the sight of it causes her to bring up even more; the contents of the toilet bowl are close to spilling over its rim.  Desperately she reaches up and grabs the handle to flush away the contents of the bowl, and is gripped by spasming stomach cramps. As the high power gush washes away her recently voided stomach contents she jumps to the her queenly seat upon the throne as it seems that every meal she’s ever partaken of in her life voids itself from her existence and the sight of it is unbearable as she again retches onto her feet and the ceramic tiles beneath them.

Mess cleaned up, and showered she realizes that she is famished, but anything that she thinks of to order-in just brings on more stomach spasms and waves of nausea.  She thinks to herself that she’s had enough of this day, the sun has set already and she can just eat tomorrow once this touch of triple bird bubonic. dysentery. emesising, flu, plague has had a chance to deal with the powerful white cells of her always strong immune system; she checks the bolts on her door  and windows before she lays back down. 

She’s not aware of how long she’s asleep before she is awakened by the feeling that she’s not alone (again), she bolts upright in her bed and this time she’s not hampered by the overwhelming feelings of sickness, but she feels that she has the prowess of a she jungle cat; startled and ready to take a meal. 

Although the lights are off, and the room is dark, her vision is as clear as if a 100watt bulb was burning in all four corners and at first she sees nothing, then her eyes fall upon a spot in the room that seems to have more density than the rest and as she concentrates on that spot it starts to take form.  Forming and reshaping, the shadow in the darkness starts to take on all the features of the man that stood before her…she can’t recount how long ago, but as she gazes upon his body, and her gaze pauses then makes it’s way to his eyes from his naked frame, she is enamoured. Although her vision is still slightly foggy and distorted, she looks into his eyes and sees compliance and heaven and she sees herself in his arms, and then with her arms around him. 

Their bodies clash together with force that would do damage to other individuals, their lips touch as sparks explode between them. The two of their tongues begin to wrestle like Greek hero’s of ole, hismoans entice her to reach up and grab hold of his short coarse and curly hair. Straddling him, she pulls his head forward and she leans toward him bringing her lips up to his right ear, she whispers into it; “I am your queen, you will know perfection, compliance, and heaven in my arms”.

She grips his coarse hair and bends his head back with less force than was necessary, and buries her face in the cleft of his neck upon his jawline.  As her gastric hunger is temporarily sated, an equally primordial hunger steps in.  Pulling his limp head up to her lips, she again bends to his right ear, and forcibly integrates into his mind, “I am your queen, you will know perfection, compliance, and heaven in my arms”.

She shows him the result of losing consciousness somewhere around his fourth or fifth. Hours pass, and the sunlight has been shut-out from the apartment for hours before it pulled the horizon over it’s head and said goodnight.  He stretches, and flexes his aged form mere shadows of the years put upon it by times ravages.  He attempts to rise from an unfamiliar resting place when arms are placed upon his shoulders forcing his rising back down upon the pillowy softness beneath him.

She whispers in his right ear “You will know perfection,  compliance, and heaven in my arms; embrace me and we shall feast”, and this he does readily.